Friday 29 May 2009

Intoducing a man who loves earl grey tea

I need to talk about someone special.

His name is Dan. He kind of stumbled into my life via Twitter one day a few weeks ago, and since then my life has changed completely. I think what scared me a little to start with is how many common interests we share, obviously that has long changed!

I've got to know a man who makes me feel good about myself even when I'm so tired that I cry when I've spilled coffee on my clean jeans, who sends a text message that makes me smile "just because", who lets me sleep even though he would really prefer that I stay awake so we can talk on the phone, and doesn't sulk when I fall asleep while he's on the phone to me. He is a man of many interests.

He is a self-confessed geek with a love for earl grey tea and Formula 1 racing. He likes music in most of it's forms. He lives in a village for heaven's sake, and has no desire to live in a town! He enjoys cooking and garden watching and watching intelligent humour. We also both have long term health conditions.

We aren't identical twins though, he loves films where I love books, and I can understand simple technology that on occasion defeats him (makes me feel great to teach him about something!)

He has changed me. I have been told repeatedly at work and home that I'm happier and that I function better as a person. He makes me feel complete in a way I haven't felt complete in longer than I can remember.

I told my family about him last weekend, once we'd been getting to know each other for about a month, and now there are plans for us to arrange a meet up. Mum already likes him and she's not met him face to face yet!

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